Today is the 60th Anniversary of the atomic bombing in Nagasaki, Japan. About 74,000 died instantly when an atomic bomb exploded at 11:02am.
3 days ago on August 6 1945, the first atomic bomb exploded in Hiroshima. It claims 140,000 lives.
It is the peace that we should treasure. More than 200,000 died from these two bombings. But who knows how many more will die if Japan did not surrender?
I can feel their pain when I browsed around the museum online. Some survivors drew pictures of the horrific incidents. Some wrote short reports. There is only one common theme: the place after the bombing was like hell.
As 21st Century world citizens, we have the responsibility to promote peace around the world. There are terrorrists that threaten our safety, but fortunately they are just a small bunch of people compared to most who treasure peace over war. 9/11, London bombings, Iraqi War......none of these can compare with the magnitude of the devastations of the atomic bombs. Even people killed in car accidents daily have far more casualties than the terrorist attacks. I think the psychological effects of those attacks is more than the actual destructions.
Father, I pray that those who favors war will one day realize what they have done and walk into peace.
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
- A very educational and well-presented website about the happenings and devastation of Hiroshima on 8/6/1945 (english)